Friday, April 5, 2013

WOW I am Blessed

Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone is well this warmer spring day.  Today is WONDERFUL.....not only is it a warmer day but it is FRIDAY.  OH YEAH last day of school for the week, hubby's last day of work for the week and it is supposta be a warmer weekend.  I am excited.  So like normal, lets all take a min to grab a cuppa coffee, maybe a bagel or leftover Easter candy and catch up a bit.

Two major blessings have happened since last we talked, one you knew was coming and the other one WE didn't even know was coming but is so AWESOME I still cannot talk about it without getting teary eyed.  Ok, first my full time wheelchair that was on order finally came in.  My peeps, this thing is AMAZING.  It is so much easier to use.  The day I went and got it was just totally amazing.  Not only does it fit me to a T, but it is lighter, more adjustable, and just looks and feels like an extension of my body.  When I brought it home Grandma and Grandpa next door happened to be coming home from town and so we all went over there for a few min.  I rolled over there by myself.  In the 15 min we were over there I learned that I can do a "bump wheelie".  A bump wheelie is where you pop the smaller front wheels up off the ground so that you can easily navigate over small bumps (like thresholds in doorways or big cracks in sidewalks).  I am also learning how to do regular wheelies as it is sometimes easier to go over grass when you are in that position.  LOL gonna hafta practice with that more though.  My peeps (Jay and the kids) have even named him so he is officially part of the family.  His name is Bluebell cause she is just an AWESOME shade of blue.  Jay says she matches my personality (he says that I am a bit eclectic).  I have decided that it is a HE cause he is an AWESOME worker and takes some rough stuff sometimes to get me where I want to go.....and he does it well and without skipping a beat.

This next blessing was a surprise that popped up on our radar about a week ago.  One family that we are very close to (we actually regard them as family cause we have known them forever and literally they are just "our peeps".   He is an AWESOME mechanic and he keeps a lookout for vehicles that he can fix up and either sell, or give to peeps who are in need.  Well, he found a van that had been repossessed from the previous owner.  From what I understand the previous owner was doing some routine maintenance on it, didn't know what he was doing, got frustrated and just let it go back to the loan company.  The only thing that is wrong with it is there is a smaller dent in the hood, and it needs a belt, catalytic converter replaced, and a REALLY good cleaning of the interior.  Other than that is A-ok.  And our friend negotiated with the company that has the van and we got it for $500.  CAN YOU BELIEVE IT.  We are actually picking it up in the morning.  We thought it would be a VERY long while before we could ever THINK about getting a mini-van that would make things ALOT easier for me.  We prayed and just resided ourselves to make due with what we have.  Not only did the Lord hear our prayers, but He decided that we need it sooner rather than later.  And He worked His will through one of our closest friends.  MANY blessings on your house my brother.  You may not realize it, but the Lord provided a great blessing through you and I am forever grateful.  **BIG HUGS** 

Today has been a TOTALLY awesome day.  Fridays are my FAVORITE day of the week.  The kids last day of school for the week and the last day dear hubby has to work in the week.  Normally Jay should have Fridays off because they work 10 hour days, but lately they have been on overtime and right now that is really a blessing.  And we don't mind too much because he still has Saturday and Sundays off.  Today they found themselves getting their work done early, so Jay actually got to come home at 2pm.  So me and Jay got about an hour to ourselves to just kinda gab and wind down a bit before the kids came in.  AND.....Jay said that the ground outside was firm enough to test my power chair outside.  **BIG SMILES**  So I actually got to meet the kids outside when they got off the bus.  Jay hid behind something in the yard so the kids couldn't see him.  So when they got off the bus they got 2 surprises.  They were so happy.  They dumped their stuff in the house and QUICKLY came right back outside to play for quite awhile.  We also got to visit with Grandma and Grandpa next door.  Winter is hard cause we don't get to see them as much in the wintertime.  In the warmer weather we get to see each other ALOT more and help each other.  We are very lucky.  We are really close to all our neighbors.  They are an extension of our family.  We watch out for each other, help each other every chance we get, and gab every chance we get......LOL.  Jay and I actually have a "daydream" about if we ever won money (like in publishers clearing house or something like that).  We would buy a HUGE piece of land and then split it into 3 separate parcels.  We would then invite our neighbors and tell them that they each get a parcel of land if they want it to build a home on.  That way, everyone gets out in the country where they can retire, raise a family, or whatever their heart desires.  We REALLY love our neighbors.  In this day and age it is REALLY unusual for people to just sit and talk and be close to your neighbors.  People now of days are SO busy and centered on their lives that they don't really take the time to slow down and really take an interest in the people around them.  We are EXTREMELY lucky to have they neighbors we have been blessed with.  They are truly an extension of our family.  Our neighbors across the alley from us are just a bit younger than us and they are also AMAZING.  One example of this was this past Halloween.  They knew it was really hard for me to get out of the house at that time.  They were going uptown to watch the Halloween parade.  They took the time to come over and ask the kids if they wanted to tag along.  Needless to say, they got ready in RECORD time and headed out the door.  Not only did my kids have a BLAST, but our neighbors had a great time too.

Well.  It is 8pm here and no one has had any supper (we are late eaters anyway, and with it being Friday it's no biggie) but everyone is getting a bit hungry and I have NO CLUE what to fix....LOL.  Thanks for listening my peeps and will talk to you again soon.   **SMOOCHIES**