Saturday, December 28, 2013

Let's Catch Up From the Holidays :)

Hi my peeps,

How has everyone been?  I have missed you guys and now that the Thanksgiving/Christmas thing is winding down we can catch up for a bit.  I was hoping that we could catch up at a more convenient time, but the weather is doing wonkie things and so I hurt and cannot sleep, so might as well take this time to catch up with some of my fav peeps here......yes I am meaning you guys.....LOL.  UUUUGH one sec gotta grab my ya'll grab some early OMG 2am early mornin coffee and I will be right back.....LOL

Ok my peeps I am back.  There is so much I have to tell you guys and like always bear with me as I bounce from one subject to the next and then back again......LOL.  Not really sure where to begin actually.  I guess I will start with some exciting news that I am seriously considering.  I may be going back to school.  LOL yes me back to school.  I'm not really sure what area that I want to go into....well wait......i know a bit what I want to do, but not sure where I can be helpful in the area that I love.  I want to go into a field where I can sincerely help people.  But with my disabilities I'm not sure how I can help.  Even with my cochlear implants hearing is NOT my strong point.  But this next year I am due for an upgrade in my processors and they have come a LONG way in some of the programs they can put on them.  I have heard from some of my friends that this new programming puts their hearing at near normal range.....which is something that FASCINATES me greatly.  So before I decide on a major I will be getting that taken care of so that will no longer be as much of a stumbling block for me.  My other concern is of course my mobility issues.  But I think that will be easier to work around for some reason.  I just gotta find an area that I am passionate about and learn what field I would be the most help in.  I know that I OMG LOVE typing and I can comfortably type 70-90wpm for great lengths of time.  For almost 4 years I worked as a court researcher/project manager and while I loved the actual work, the company I was working for left alot to be desired.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVED the people that I oversaw, the other middle managers like myself, and I thoroughly enjoyed the research part of my work.  I loved helping "my peeps" get the advise and tools that they needed to be good at what they did, whether it was just helping them get the right forms for the project they were working on, gently reminding them of coming deadlines, or just a friendly ear to listen to their frustrations and allowing them to vent.  And please don't take this as bragging cause I am so totally not that kinda person, but I took great pride in my work as I was really good at my job.  I cannot go into great detail about the company I worked for, as their contractor agreement includes a confidentiality clause, but lets just suffice it to say that WAY upper management was not as upstanding as they make themselves out to be and I just couldn't work like that anymore.  I need to be in a field where I can truly help people, not just make money for the company I work for.  I have always had a soft spot for emergency services (Law Enforcement, EMT's...etc).  But I know that I cannot help in the way most of those in that line of work can.  But maybe I can help with the "support" work for those guys.  To most peeps I guess that would see like a silly idea.....I mean a paper pusher in those fields sometimes are regarded as the lowest on the totem pole.  But ya know someone hasta do the paperwork right??   And to most of those peeps paperwork is one of the DREADED parts of the job.  Paperwork doesn't bother me in the least.  I love to have my nose buried in a computer.  I can multi-task with the best of them (in my old job I oversaw at least 3-7 projects at one time and kept everything straight) and surely my background with research can help sometimes in those areas.  With all that said though.....I'm still not sure what my major should be.  But this summer I plan to go see someone at the vocational rehab center (they help people with disabilities to go back to school, find employment, help with any assistive needs that they might have like captioning phones, CART technology in classrooms or work environments, etc).  So hopefully they will be able to help me to figure out what field I should go into and maybe help me with any grants I can apply for to go back to school.  I'm excited but at the same time scared beyond belief.....LOL.  I'm 36 years old and just NOW looking into going back to school.......OYE.  

On a different note, the holiday's are almost over.  Christmas was pretty good here.  My side of the family had their Christmas on the Saturday before and Jay's side the Sunday before.  Christmas Eve we went to my Uncle Mike's for the traditional get together.  OMG that is one of the highlights of the year for both me and my peeps.  This is the musical side of my family.  We always get together to visit with santa, nibble on some great food, and play music and sing.  When I was a kid we did this every year and is one of my favorite childhood memories.  And I am so grateful that we all still do this so that my babies can have the same memories that I had.  OMG it REALLY is magical.  My oldest (Josie) really loves music.  These last couple of years she has even been brave enough to sing by herself in front of everyone.  This year she wanted to do her "night night" song from when she was younger.  I use to sing Godspeed to her every night when she was a baby and toddler.....and it is still one of most favorite songs.  OMG now I don't like to brag, but this time I will allow myself this one guilty pleasure.  My chickie can sing  **BIG SMILES**   Before I lost my hearing music was my main source I used to express myself.  I loved to sing, play guitar, play harmonica, and just listen to music in general.  It really didn't matter what the genre was either.  I loved everything from classical to heavy metal and EVERYTHING in between.  Now don't get me wrong, I still really LOVE music.....but the way my hearing is right now with my cochlears it is hard for me to understand any kind of music that I have not heard when I was a hearing person.  Hopefully when I get my processors updated I will be able to enjoy newer music.  Back then I had what is known as "perfect pitch"......meaning that I could tune a guitar by just listening, and I could listen to a song once or twice and then be able to just pick up my guitar and play it right back.  It is something that I took for granted and pray that as cochlear implant technology advances I will someday be able to get back and enjoy again.   UUUUUGH but I digress.  Back to our little chickie can SING.  OMG she makes me and her daddy so proud when she resists her shyness and lets the world see her musical talent.  Most of the time when she is in a group of people she will NOT sing and will shy away from the "spotlight" (something that she comes by honestly.....but I am trying to get her outta her shell more than I allow myself to be).  But when we are at Uncle Mike's........**smiling** she is so comfortable......she didn't even give it a second thought when she was asked to sing.  When it comes to singing up there she always looks for cousin Dani (who is an extremely talented artist in her own right.  She has opened for and gone on tour with Mr. Willie Nelson.......and if you couldn't tell yes I am VERY proud of her).  She knows that Dani will take her and practice and will play the guitar for her while she sings.....and Josie REALLY looks up to her.  Even though she doesn't live around here.....she really has grown attached to her (Dani).  And it means the world to Josie to know that when it comes time to let her singing light shine that she can go to her and feel so completely at ease knowing Dani will help her.  LOL.....I always take Josie aside and ask right before she sings for Christmas Eve......"Joe are you sure you are alright?"  and she will always tell me....."yes mama....Dani has got my back and won't let me fall.....I am good".   UUUUGH tell me when did my baby girl start to grow up??

Christmas day was also OMG AWESOME, although most peeps will prob say it sounds boring......LOL.  Around the holidays we get REALLY busy....running here, tither, and the point where we are not home much.  Since all the "family" get togethers were done we actually got to stay home on Christmas day.  We opened presents.....then Jay made cinnamon rolls.....and we stayed in our PJ's all day long....watched the new movies santa brought (the croods and despicable me 2) and everyone piled up on the couch together...and we stayed that way ALL.....DAY....LOOOOOOONG.  OMG it was TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!

New Years is coming here this next week and I am SO very excited.  We have a tradition where my family and my bestest friend's family stay the night with each other and we lounge around and watch movies, talk, eat, and just enjoy each others company.  Me and her have been best friends since the 7th grade....and back then when you saw one of just knew that the other one was not very far away.  We know each other inside and out.  My kids call her and her hubby aunt and uncle and her kids the same for me and Jay.  Now that we are older and have families of our own we find it sometimes hard to get together as often as we would like......but even though we might not physically see each other as often as we want....we are always close and talk quite often.  She is so very AWESOME.  She knows when I am having a bad day or when something is buggin me....even when I try to hide it.....she can always tell.....and I can tell the same about her.  She is one of the very few people that knows when I need a shoulder.......or a listening ear.....or a kick in the booty.  If you cannot tell by now.....yes she is AWESOME in every sense of the word. sec Bubba just came in here....let me get him back to bed here....BRB.  Sorry about that....I am back here.  Poor guy had a "weird dream" as he put it and just needed to see mama a minute.  I tell ya.....this little guy make me so proud.  Just like his sis, but in different ways.  He has quite the soft heart.  He puts up the tough guy exterior....even for his young age of 7........but in reality he is a big softy and has a heart of gold.  And he is VERY protective....especially of his animals and his "girls".  He is not one to fight.....but if you start messing with his animals.....or any of the girls in his class.....or his mama.......or his sis.........well lets just say you better watch out......LOL. He is the picture of the "All American Boy".  There is this one little girl in school.....she has braces on her legs and walks with her canes or uses her wheelchair.  Of course Toby can kinda relate to her better than most because of me.  LOL.....a teacher overheard him one time telling her  "hey....I know where you are coming from and I know that you can do everything I can do just in a different way.....but if you ever have any problems you come to me and we will take care of it"   OMG tell me how you cannot love a boy like that.  While I really don't relish the idea of him growing up.... I must say that I am excited to see this munchkin grow and become the awesome young man that I know is growing inside him. I know that his soft heart will set him up for some heartaches......that same soft heart will allow him to enjoy some of the greatest moments of his life.  He is the most AWESOME little guy a mama could ever ask for....and for that I am sincerely grateful.  LOL onery as the day is long......but such a sweet heart and spirit. And he is a thinker too.  Always wants to see the best in people....even though he knows that not all people show their good side.  Yeah....I got extremely lucky in the mama side of things.  Way luckier than I ever deserve.   OH and he tells mama EVERYTHING.  I mean EVERYTHING.  He's my little dude :) is about 4am now and while I still hurt and prob wont sleep.....I know that I at least hafta try if I want to even think about being productive tomorrow.  I promise that I wont let too much time pass before I come back to gab with you guys again.  Thank you guys so VERY much for listening and just keeping me company.  You all mean a lot to me......and i thank you for just being there.  **smoochies**

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